We bring you interviews from people who have conquered the trickiest of health challenges using the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Philosophy and similar healing modalities. You’ll hear from experts who have been through the wringer with their health issues, and yet managed to come out on the other side. If you are interested in natural healing and/or functional medicine, this is the podcast for you! Visit www.functionaldiagnosticnutrition.com to learn more about the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition program.

Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Analyzing TWO HTMA Tests LIVE w/ Kim Heintz, FDN-P
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Despite the fact that the HTMA test is one of the older tests on the market, in recent times, it seems to only be getting more and more popular! Its relatively cheap cost mixed with its ability to provide unique insights into one's health has made it a go-to for many functional practitioners.
In today's episode of The Health Detective Podcast, we are interviewing Kim Heintz, FDN-P, and learning about how she utilizes this test in her practice. In addition, we are also going over TWO different test results from her actual clients. This is a HIGHLY educational episode, so it might be one that you want to listen to when you have a notebook handy.
The interview was conducted in such a way that audio-only listeners can still benefit from it, but if you have the time, you can also sit down and watch the interview on our YouTube page. There, you are able to follow along with Kim and Detective Ev as they go through the test results and look at each and every marker.
Here is the link for YouTube if you'd like to check it out there: https://youtu.be/q4zw32n2_bU
LEARN MORE ABOUT FDN: fdntraining.com/tryfdn
Follow us on Instagram: @FDNtraining
You can connect with Kim in the following places:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kim.heintz/
Website: https://www.kimheintz.com/
Learn more about HTMA here: https://www.kimheintz.com/htma

Monday Jan 09, 2023
200th EPISODE SPECIAL!!! (Pt 3)
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
In this episode, we are finishing up our 200th episode special where we took the BEST tips/answers from every guest we've had on The Health Detective Podcast so far!
In this part, you will here from just under 40 guests. That will catch us up completely, all the way to episode 200.
Click the link in our bio to listen now! (Can be listened to without having heard the first or second parts)
Check out Part 1 Here::https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/200th-episode-special-the-health-detective-podcast/id1547734801?i=1000590601799
Check out Part 2 Here:: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/200th-episode-special-pt-2/id1547734801?i=1000591566838
Considering becoming an FDN practitioner? Head to fdntraining.com/tryfdn to try the course for free.
Want to see the FDN course curriculum in-depth? Head to fdntraining.com/course to download it now!

Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Conquering “Unexplained” Infertility w/ Dee Davidson, FDN-P
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Our guest today, Coach Dee has been living a healthy lifestyle consistently for decades. During that time, she’s refined her healthy living strategy to provide the best results, but more importantly, to get those results while having fun.
After struggling with "unexplained" infertility, Dee decided to investigate the possible causes of her diagnosis. "Unexplained" did not sit well with her, and she wanted to uncover what was hidden under this blanket term. Fast forward 14 years, and she is now helping other women with infertility and hormone challenges.
Coach Dee’s favorite thing to do is to help others regain their health, happiness and live a fulfilled life. With so much data and Dr. Google at our fingertips, Dee helps her clients sort through all the junk to figure out what THEIR body actually needs.
Where to find Dee:
Ready to try the FDN course for FREE? Head to fdntraining.com/tryfdn
Follow us on Instagram @fdntraining.

Thursday Dec 29, 2022
200th EPISODE SPECIAL!!! (Pt 2)
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
In this episode, we are continuing our 200th episode special where we took the BEST tips/answers from every guest we've had on The Health Detective Podcast so far!
In this part, you will hear from almost FORTY different practitioners, doctors, and other types of health professionals.
Check out Part 1 Here::https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/200th-episode-special-the-health-detective-podcast/id1547734801?i=1000590601799
Considering becoming an FDN practitioner? Head to fdntraining.com/tryfdn to try the course for free.
Want to see the FDN course curriculum in-depth? Head to fdntraining.com/course to download it now!

Thursday Dec 22, 2022
The Relationship Between Trauma And Sugar Addiction w/ Danielle Daem
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Be honest... Can you think of any better way to celebrate the holiday season than to learn about the relationship between sugar addiction and trauma?
Jokes aside, this IS in fact a good time of year to discuss these subjects. And in this episode, our guest, Danielle Daem, did an AMAZING job at bringing a fresh perspective to two topics that are talked about seemingly all of the time now.
If you're tired of hearing the same old information about sugar and trauma, then this is the episode for you!
About Danielle:
Danielle Daem is a Sugar Freedom Coach & Speaker who is passionate about helping women reshape their relationship with sugar so they can reclaim control over their health and energy once and for all!
Having struggled with sugar addiction herself, she knows exactly how difficult and overwhelming the journey can be. Using her extensive knowledge in nutrition, personal experience, and coaching, Dani helps her clients discover a new way of living in which sugar cravings and guilt no longer controls their health and life.
For the past 5 years, Dani has been on her own journey with food. She’s learned the power of eating real food and how building a few simple habits can drastically shift our health and life for good. She’s passionate about empowering people to learn what works best in their unique body and life.
Danielle is also the host of the top rated “Beyond Sugar Freedom Podcast” where she dives deep into conversations about the root causes of sugar dependency and total body health and wellness.
Where to find Dani:
Want to get exclusive info. directly from FDN? Go to fdntraining.com/insider
Considering becoming an FDN? Try the course for free by going to fdntraining.com/tryfdn
Want to know more about the course curriculum? Go to fdntrainig.com/course to download the entire brochure

Monday Dec 19, 2022
200th Episode Special!!! The Health Detective Podcast
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
All we can say is WOW!
It is crazy to us that we have made it all the way to episode two hundred of The Health Detective Podcast. During these past 2 years, we have talked to so many amazing people who have every background you can possibly imagine. From cancer diagnoses, to autoimmune diseases, to mental health challenges, to conditions which only a few people in the world deal with/have dealt with, we've shown that there seems to be very few limitations of what is possible when it comes to addressing health challenges from a more functional perspective.
For this special episode, we decided to take the best advice from all of our guests throughout the last 2 years. How did we do this exactly? If you're a regular listener of the show, you'll know that our signature question on The Health Detective Podcast is, "If you could get everyone in this world to do one thing for their health, what is the one thing you would get them to do?" Episode #200 is a collection of our guest's answers to that exact question.
The really fun part? Put all together, the answers exceeded the time we'd typically like to spend on one episode. That means that we have a few episodes of dense, nerdy episodes coming your way!
We hope you enjoy this series, and thank you so much for your support in getting the show this far. We are excited for many, many more episodes to come.
Considering becoming an FDN practitioner? Head to fdntraining.com/tryfdn to try the course for free.
Want to see the FDN course curriculum in-depth? Head to fdntraining.com/course to download it now!

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
5 Ways FDN Is Different From Other Programs w/ Detective Ev
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
In this episode we are answering one of the most commonly asked questions, "What makes FDN different from other programs out there?"
We do NOT believe in bashing other programs, as there are plenty of great ones out there. Instead, what we will do is highlight the real differences that truly separate FDN from all other programs on the market. These differences may or may not be what you are personally looking for, but at least you'll be informed one way or the other :).
Want to try out the FDN course for free? Head to fdntraining.com/tryfdn
Interested in learning more about our course curriculum? Head to fdntraining.com/course

Monday Dec 12, 2022
How To Analyze Food Sensitivity Results w/ Detective Ev
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
The title says it all!
We are back again with our lab analysis series, and this time we're covering food sensitivities. The test that we tend to use as FDNs is NOT one of the generic ones you see at your local drug store. We use a specific test that has advanced technology behind it. This technology allows us to look at HUNDREDS of different ways that the body can react to foods without spendings 10s of thousands of dollars.
If you have any questions, drop them in the comments section on Podbean or message us on Instagram @fdntraining.com.
Interested in becoming a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner? Learn about our course by going to fdntraining.com/course
Want to TRY the course for free? Visit fdntraining.com/tryfdnt all! We are
Looking for the Youtube Video? https://youtu.be/e86v-Xjb1us

Thursday Dec 08, 2022
How To Analyze Gut Test Results w/ Becca Kyle, FDN-P
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Becca Kyle is a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and Board-Certified Holistic Health Practitioner. She helps driven women overcome health obstacles so they can make a difference for their families, their communities and the world. Becca believes every woman deserves to live a vibrant, connected, fulfilling life, and it all starts with better health. Her mission is to help millions of women reach their ideal health potential because when women are healthy, they change the world for the better.
Listen To Becca's First Interview (Apple Podcasts): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/serial-entrepreneur-finally-finds-a-home-with-fdn/id1547734801?i=1000574634024
Listen to Becca's First Interview (Spotify): https://open.spotify.com/episode/5v8t5MHA1CjucUhuTSRC6X?si=rBRgid7KSuuCMYB8xlIpnA
WATCH the video version on Youtube: https://youtu.be/H2IVYG7Pgtc
Where to find Becca:
Website: holisticobsession.com
Want to become an FDN and learn to anaylze labs like Becca and Detective Ev? Then head to fdntraining.com/tryfdn to start the course for free!
Link to our exclusive 12 Days of Christmas podcast: fdntraining.com/insider

Monday Dec 05, 2022
Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis GONE w/ Aline McCarthy, FDN-P
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Monday Dec 05, 2022
As crazy as the healthcare system can sometimes seem in the United States, what's even crazier is that this is a GLOBAL issue.
Our guest today, Aline McCarthy, lives in Australia, and has a story of healing and chronic symptoms that sounds much too similar to the ones we see.
By the time she was in her early 30s, she was already suffering from debilitating rheumatoid arthritis. She was not left with any meaningful treatments after going to her doctor, and eventually came to the realization that, if she wanted to get better, she'd have to take matters into her own hands.
Fast-forward to today, and Aline has not only overcome her symptoms, but she also became a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner with a thriving practice.
She now spends her time helping moms in their 40s ditch bloating and have better poop so they can enjoy the food they love.
Where to find Aline:
Instagram @thewellnesswitches
Want to become an FDN and build a booming business doing work you love? Visit fdntraining.com/tryfdn to try the course for free right now!
Just want an overview of the curriculum? Go to fdntraining.com/course to download our curriculum for free.