We bring you interviews from people who have conquered the trickiest of health challenges using the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Philosophy and similar healing modalities. You’ll hear from experts who have been through the wringer with their health issues, and yet managed to come out on the other side. If you are interested in natural healing and/or functional medicine, this is the podcast for you! Visit www.functionaldiagnosticnutrition.com to learn more about the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition program.

Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Functional Medicine... For Your PETS?! w/ Dr. Ruth Roberts
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Due to overwhelming demand, we are SO excited to be bringing on the first guest to ever talk about funcitonal medicine for pets on our show, Dr. Ruth Roberts!
Dr. Roberts was one of our most popular guests ever for our Health Space Unmasked event back in early March. Everyone in the functional medicine space intuitively knows there are tons of things we could probably do better for our furry friends, but it's sometimes hard to tell precisely what those things are!
In this episode, Dr. Roberts covers everything from dietary recommendations, to environemntal toxins, to the surprising implications of spading and neutering our pets in regards to what it does to their hormones.
We hope you enjoy this episode, and as always, you can shoot us over any questions you may have @fdntraining on Instagram.
About Dr. Roberts:
Consider taking Dr. Roberts' course? Click here to learn more.
Considering becoming an FDN to help PEOPLE instead of pets? Book a call with Detective Ev or one of the other course advisors by clicking here.

Monday Mar 20, 2023
The Leaky Gut and Mental Health Connection w/ Detective Ev
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Sometimes, mental health issues can be very complex to get under control. However, there are other times where one's mental health issues might be things that an invidiual could EASILY resolve if they just knew what steps to take and what things to look for. After hearing a recent FDN client testimonial, Detective Ev was remind of just how true the latter statement is.
An individual who had been suffering for over 8 years with mental health challenges finally decided to give Functional Diagnostic Nutrition a try. Within just two weeks of his protocol, he was saying that he felt the "best I have felt in 15 years." (Mind you, that's a good chunk of time before his mental health issues even manifested!)
While this is an overall amazing testimonial and happy story, there is one part that can't be ignored- the fact that this client used to struggle with suicidal ideation. When you realize this, you can't help but wonder how many people will struggle with those same types of thoughts and NOT get so lucky as to find help that works for them.
Because of this, our podcast episode today is centered all around leaky gut and mental health. This isn't because leaky gut is the be-all end-all when it comes to our mental health, but rather because it is one of many examples that COULD be a major factor in how one feel's, and yet mainstream medicine has not fully caught up to it yet.
This episode is both educational and inspirational, and practitioner or client alike can get a benefit from it!
About Detective Ev:
Evan Transue, AKA Detective Ev, graduated from FDN in 2017. Prior to finding FDN, him and his mom had suffered with a variety of health challenges for over a decade, including but not limited to severe cystic acne, major depressive disorder, panic disorder, GERD, and Grave's Disease. The FDN system transformed him and his mom's lives so profoundly that all of his work is now centered around spreading it's teachings.
Evan is now the host of The Health Detective Podcast, owner of Bucks County Light Therapy and Functional Medicine Center, and speaks professionally to middle and high school students about mental health challenges. He has been blessed to speak to over 50,000 students around the country and deliver over 500 professional presentations.
Considering becoming an FDN to help people with their mental health? Go to fdntraining.com/call to book a call with one of FDN's Course Enrollment Advisors.

Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023

Monday Mar 13, 2023
Join FDN LIVE At KetoCon 2023!!! w/ Robin Switzer
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
KetoCon has been bringing the keto/low carb community together annually since 2017. The 3-Day event is non-stop motivation and inspiration, learning, networking, sampling all of the latest innovative products on the market, and enjoying the City of Austin.
JOIN FDN and so many others at KetoCon April 21-23, 2023 in Austin, TX!
Get $50 Off w/ Promo Code: FDN50 (at checkout) https://www.ketocon.org/ketocon-2023/attendees/tickets-available-now/
Thinking of becoming an FDN? Call Detective Ev or one of the other course advisors at fdntraining.com/call.

Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Solutions To SEVERE Acne w/ Johanna Obydke, FDN-P
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Today, we are interviewing a super young FDN for The Health Detective Podcast, Johanna Obydke!
Johanna became an FDN-P in December 2022 at only 22 years old. While she may be new to the FDN space, she spent the last 4 years studying Biology and Human Anatomy at Molloy College. Johanna spent this time as a research assistant studying genetic components to Autism. Currently, Johanna focuses on what she knows firsthand - women's reproductive health. As someone who struggled greatly with menstrual related issues and severe acne, she can confidently say lifestyle changes everything. Now, she helps other women manage their periods and supports them with their own skin struggles.
Detective Ev and Johanna talked a lot about severe acne, starting your health coaching biz, women's cycles and more. We hope you enjoy the episode, and as always, you can shoot us a question anytime by DMing us on Instagram @fdntraining.
Where to find Johanna:
Instagram: @nutritionbyjohanna
Ready to become an FDN like Detective Ev and Johanna? Check out our course curriculum at fdntraining.com/course. Alternatively, you can book a call with one of our Course Advisors at fdntraining.com/call.

Monday Mar 06, 2023
HOPE For Stage 4 Cancer Patients w/ Dr. Kevin Conners
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Cancer is not usually the main focus on The Health Detective Podcast, but in this episode, we're talking about it exclusively.
It's not that we're not open to talking about it, quite the opposite. The problem is, due to the (justified) urgency with how cancer gets treated by western medicine, it is much rarer that one gets to hear stories about cancer patients actually getting around to using natural means as opposed to/in conjunction with conventional treatments.
That's not the case at Dr. Conner's clinic, though!
A Stage 4 cancer survivor himself, Dr Conner's sees cancer patients no matter where they are at in their journey. From recently diagnosed patients with early stage cancer, to people who have tried it all and are told they only have months to live, he has been able to successfully help everyone and anyone.
One thing we should mention is that Dr. Conners is the first to say that not every success story means a cancer-free person. Cancer is a very complicated disease, and the best approach with it is by FAR preventing it in the first place. Success stories to him DO sometimes include the patient no longer having cancer, but it also looks like people given weeks to live going on to live for a few years instead!
When it comes to the very tricky and controversial application of functional medicine in cancer care, the overall goal should always be to extend the patient's life as long as possible, and to make their quality of life be as good as it can possibly be. If even more than that is achieved, it is obviously a huge blessing.
We hope you enjoy this MUCH needed episode!!!
About Dr. Conners:
Dr. Kevin Conners is the Clinic Director at Conners Clinic, an Alternative Cancer Coaching center. He graduated with his doctorate from Northwestern Health Sciences University in 1986 and has been studying alternative cancer care for over 25 years. He also holds AMA Fellowships and Board Certifications in Anti-Aging Medicine, Regenerative and Functional Medicine, Botanical Medicine, and is Board Certified in Integrative Cancer Therapy.
Dr. Conners is also certified in Functional Neurology, has had over 300 hours postgraduate study in the Autism Spectrum Disorders, and is trained and certified in Epigenetic Clinical Methylation and Nutrigenomics. He has written numerous books, including “Stop Fighting Cancer and Start Treating the Cause” and “The 7 Phases of Detoxification,” all of which are available at ConnersClinic.com. He has also created numerous courses that deep dive into the topics of Cancer, Rife, Lyme, and more, all available at Courses.ConnersClinic.com
Where to find Dr. Conners:
Book: https://www.amazon.com/Phases-Detoxification-What-Before-Detox/dp/B0BTG9R7QG?ref_=ast_author_dp
Website: connersclinic.com
Courses: courses.connersclinic.com
Ready to join us in the battle of helping people fight disease states naturally? Visit fdntraining.com/course to learn more about what we do.
Questions? Shoot us a message on Instagram. Just let them know which episode you listened to! @fdntraining

Thursday Mar 02, 2023
You Can Do FDN Around The WORLD w/ Brandy Buskow, CEO of FDN
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Brandy is a Board Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Master EFT Practitioner, Hypnotherapy student, and a mom of 4.
She is passionate about sharing her knowledge with others. She specializes in helping moms get their energy back and ending the overwhelm.

Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023

Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Mastering The Personal Development Side Of Your Health Journey w/ Kate House
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Isn't getting healthy *kind of* simple in a sense?
Hear us out...
OBVIOUSLY, people that come to us in the world of functional healthcare are some of the sickest of the sick, so, no, it's not that we mean it's literally simple to get healthy. What we mean is that, if you were to ask yourself right now what one or two things you could implement to improve your health, you'd know the answer(s) right away. This is also true when it comes to things like physical fitness, finances, relationships, etc..
How is that we are all aware of the things that we COULD do to get better in these areas, and yet we don't immediately do them? The answer is that we are at a certain "level" of our personal development journey which keeps us at a particular place. Once we move to the next level, those habits that we weren't doing all of a sudden become a piece of cake, and there is a new set of habits awaiting for us.
Since we at FDN know healing chronic health challenges is just as much (if not more) a personal development journey as it is a health journey, we brought on someone who is an expert in the mindset side of things: Kate House!
Kate House is the host of the popular "Live By Design" podcast where she helps people release overwhelm, get unstuck, and take aligned action via habit-based goals. In this episode of The Health Detective Podcast, we discuss her topics like mindset, goal-setting, and how she became a successful entrepreneur with no preivous exerience!
We hope you enjoy this episode, and make sure to give Kate a follow!

Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Out of the well over 100 interviews that have been done on The Health Detective Podcast, our host, Detective Ev, says this is genuinely one of his favorites of all-time!
Our guest today, Sarah Lohman, came on our show and absolutely poured her heart out. She took us through the actual experience that SO many of those who suffer with chronic health conditions go through in complete silence.
Whether you are someone who has dealt with thyroid issues, or even if you're someone who just wants someone in your life to UNDERSTAND some of the things those who deal with chronic health challenges go through, this is the episode for you.
We thank Sarah so much for coming on and doing what she did.
Where to find Sarah:
Instagram: coach.sarah.joy
Website: www.Coachsarahjoy.com
Listen to Sarah's podcast episode w/ Reed by clicking here.
Want to register for our free Health Space Unmasked event to learn how to apply functional medicine to your pets? Head to this page to register now: fdntraining.com/unmasked
Have questions about FDN? Call our team! Go to fdntraining.com/call
Want to try the FDN Course for free? Go to fdntraining.com/tryfdn to try the first part of the course for NO CHARGE! No credit card is required.