We bring you interviews from people who have conquered the trickiest of health challenges using the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Philosophy and similar healing modalities. You’ll hear from experts who have been through the wringer with their health issues, and yet managed to come out on the other side. If you are interested in natural healing and/or functional medicine, this is the podcast for you! Visit www.functionaldiagnosticnutrition.com to learn more about the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition program.

Monday Oct 24, 2022
The Magic Of Craniosacral Therapy w/ Jeremy Quinby
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Jeremy Quinby has been improving the health and well-being of individuals, families and communities for the past 25 years. At an intersection of manual therapies, mental health support, orthopedics, pain management, and newborn and pediatric care, he has become known as a bridge-builder between many fields of care.
A graduate of St. John’s University in MN, building community has been the most essential part of every project he’s become involved with. Having had private practices in New York and Minneapolis, his ability to develop health networks to support the populations he has served has become his trademark. And now, as host of the Highway to Health Podcast, he is furthering this outreach across the U.S. and beyond, promoting a more fully realized approach to integrated care.
Provided Links:
Where to find Reed and Jeremy's Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/reed-davis-functional-diagnostic-nutrition-holistic/id1314095860?i=1000582529278
Join us for our "Health Space Unmasked" Event with Dr. Aron Gonshor: fdntraining.com/unmasked

Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Dr. Bradley Campbell, is a holistic physician, author, and musician. In college he majored in pre-med and saxophone performance, and then decided to attend multiple natural medical schools to help people find the true root cause of their problems. Dr Campbell is currently working on completing 10 post-graduate degrees in natural healthcare.
Aside from playing music, he enjoys traveling, waterskiing, motorcycling, and spending time with his Irish Setter, Albus.
Where to Find Dr. Campbell:
IG: drbradleycampbell
Ready to help people in the way that Dr. Campbell and Detective Ev do?
The head to fdntraining.com/tryfdn
Want to nerd out with a bunch of other health professionals and learn about oral health, sleep, and metabolic balance?
Then join Reed Davis and Dr. Aron Gonshor on Saturday, November 5th. 2022 from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM PST. Head to fdntraining.com/unmasked !!

Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
While there are plenty of lowkey FDN's out there who have successful businesses, there are others who are really making quite a bit of noise in the world of business and health. Our guest today, Victoria Franca, is definitely the latter!
In this episode, we'll talk to her about how she used the FDN system to not only resolve her own health challenges, but also to create a very successful business in the midst of the pandemic. Towards the end, you'll get to hear quite a few business tips from her, and we recommend taking notes! Victoria was recently accepted to be apart of the Forbes Business Council, so she is as knowledgeable about biz as she is about health!
About Victoria: Victoria Franca is a Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and Founder of Omne Wellness. She helps career-driven individuals that are feeling the burden of stress focus on their well-being by addressing the root cause of their symptoms through balancing their minerals, hormones, and gut health. Victoria also has an array of experience working with luxury resorts & spas. Her portfolio of corporate clients have included The Ritz Carlton Group, Acqualina Resort & Spa, SOJO Spa Club & Baha Mar.
Where to find Victoria:
IG: Victoria.wellness
Considering becoming an FDN like Victoria and Detective Ev? Then head to fdntraining.com/tryfdn to start the course for free!

Thursday Oct 13, 2022
How To ACTUALLY Analyze Thyroid Markers w/ Ryan Monahan, FDN-P
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
On today's episode of The Health Detective Podcast, we are analyzing Detective Ev's thyroid labs with one of the most knowledgeable Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioners out there, Ryan Monahan!
Ryan was the first guest we ever interviewed on this show, and deservedly so. This is a guy who suffered for YEARS with some of the worst fatigue imaginable, as well as depression and many other health symptoms. Fast-track to today, and Ryan is now one of FDN's clinical advisors with a booming business, too.
Overtime, Ryan accumulated multiple advanced certificates through FDN (and other institutes), one of them being granted for the completion of FDN's advanced thyroid training. Because of this, he is the perfect person to helps us dive deep into the thyroid labs we're discussing today.
We hope you enjoy this episode!
***You can watch the video version of this podcast here: https://youtu.be/TJT5Srn2KBM
About Ryan:
Ryan Monahan is an FDN-P Level III, board certified health coach, Clinical Advisor, and Certified AIP Coach.
He has a passion for uncovering hidden stressors that contribute to thyroid disease. Throughout his journey, Ryan spent over 10 frustrating years visiting more than 40 health professionals to find answers to his chronic health complaints until being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in 2012. Since then, his mission has been to change the dialogue about chronic disease towards a holistic, functional approach while helping others restore their health to normal function.
Typically, his clients are people who have struggled with finding relief from their autoimmune symptoms. Oftentimes, they feel that they’ve “tried everything”, and that traditional medicine hasn’t served them. In his experience, there is a better way.
Provided links:
Want to become an certified FDN Practitioner like Ryan and Detective Ev? Then head to fdntraining.com/tryfdn to try the course for free!

Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
On this episode, we're interviewing Renee Bergmen for the second time!
She was back with us all the way in episode 61 discussing the implications of infected teeth and "natural" chemo, in addition to talking about the ennegram personality typing system, something she is a specialist in. We will be nerding out on the ennegram for the first 20 minutes or so, and then diving into our hot topic of the day, which will be mental health care in the world of functional medicine.
We hope you enjoy this VERY high energy episode!
About Renee:
Renee is a Functional Health Practitioner, Gut Expert, Hormone Guru and Enneagram specialist. She works as a health detective to help health conscious people who are frustrated with exhaustion, hormone disruptions and lack of clarity on their health challenges, uncover root causes to their pain. Through formulated food plans, Functional labs and Enneagram focused connection Renee’s clients get to root causes and gain back vitality.
Where to find Renee:
Website: www.megaphonefunctionalhealth.com
Instagram: @megaphonefunctionalhealth
You can download her Guide to heal your leaky gut here: megaphonefunctionalhealth.com/leakygutwebinar
LISTEN to Renee's first interview/her story: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/61-infected-teeth-natural-chemo-and-the-enneagram-w/id1547734801?i=1000529759915
Ready to become an FDN like Renee and Detective Ev? Head to fdntraining.com/tryfdn to try the course for free right now!

Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Christa is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and certified health coach. She helps midlife women boost their nutrition, restore vitality through hormone and gut health, and uncover their hidden blocks to bust through weight gain, fatigue and stress, so that their health is no longer an obstacle to their happiness.
Provided Links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christalyons31
Freebie: https://bit.ly/3WaysBoostMetabolism
Ready to start your journey as an FDN? Go to fdntraining.com/tryfdn to try the course for FREE! No credit card is required.

Sunday Oct 02, 2022
The Mindset Of An Incredible Cancer Survivor w/ Carmen Weir
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
On this episode of The Health Detective Podcast, we are interviewing cancer survivor Carmen Weir!
We think it is fair to say that ANYONE who goes through the process of cancer treatment can be considered an incredible person, but Carmen is a particularly special case because she did something that very few people do in life... She took one of the worst things that ever happened to her and USED it as fuel to find her passion and create a ROCK SOLID mindset. It is a mindset so inspiring that it would be legitimately tough to NOT feel moved by this episode.
We'll leave it at that for now, as the interview speaks for itself. We hope you enjoy this incredible story!
About Carmen:
Carmen came to FDN after several health crises. In April 2019 she was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. A follow-up Dexascan showed she also had severe Osteoporosis. Given the option of low-dose chemo for the RA and drugs that didn't truly build bone, she looked to other more holistic approaches and hired a (famous) Functional Medicine Doctor. Those two diagnoses were just the beginning for her though. Later in 2019 she was diagnosed with yet another autoimmune disease-Guttate Psoriasis. Then in March of 2020, the big daddy of them all was revealed: Stage III endometrial cancer. Carmen chose a hybrid approach to cancer, undergoing radical hysterectomy and chemo alongside many holistic practices. It was during her cancer journey that she realized her passion and mission in life were to help other people find health outside of the western medical model of sickness care. On New Year's Eve of 2020, with a body clear of cancer and a heart set on becoming a difference-maker, she signed up for the FDN course to set her intentions for life after cancer.
Where to find Carmen:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CSDubya
Website: https://www.thewellnessprinciple.com/
Ready to do work you LOVE and help others resolve the toughest of health challenges? Visit fdntraining.com/tryfdn to try the course for FREE (no credit card required).
Struggling with your OWN health and want a taste of the FDN system's best information WITHOUT spending money on the labs? Then sign-up for our LIVE workshop on October 8th, 2022. Recordings are availabe. The workshop is only $9 and includes bonuses such as our at-home assessments for thyroid issues, hormone dysregulation, parasitic infections and more! Go to fdntraining.com/dress to sign-up for the workshop.

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
How To Help Anxious Kids And Their Families w/ Jess Sherman, MEd, RHN, FDN-P
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Our guest today, Jess Sherman, has been on the frontline fighting for our kid's health since 2007!
During her time as a teacher, Jess began to notice the many behavioral and mental issues her students were exhibiting. The final straw for her was when she found out that a whopping SIXTY PERCENT of the students in the school she taught at were on some form of medication! Intuitively, this didn't make sense to her, and she knew she had to act.
Since then, Jess obtained a degree in holistic nutrition and became a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner amongst other things. She has been serving families and their children for over a decade, and in this episode, we're discussing all the best things that she's learned.
We hope you enjoy this very timely episode!
About Jess:
Jess helps kids experiencing anxiety feel better so life can settle down. Along with being a certified teacher, Jess is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Board Certified in Practical Holistic Nutrition.
With anxiety in kids now at an all-time high, she is working to help doctors, therapists, teachers, kids, and parents understand and apply a whole-child, whole-body, trauma-informed, nutrition and lifestyle focussed approach to helping them from the outside-in and the inside-out.
Her book, RaisingResilience: take the stress out of feeding your family and love your life, along with her Calm & Clear Kids Program, and her Resilience Roadmap, have reached families all over the world.
Where to find Jess:
web: www.JessSherman.com/coaching
Insta: @Jess.Sherman_RaisingResilience
Linkedin @ jess-sherman
FB @JessShermanRHN
Feeding Families Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/feeding-families/id1599343119
Ready to learn a system that can help you fight for our kids? Then go to fdntraining.com/tryfdn to try the FDN course for FREE!

Monday Sep 26, 2022
Analyzing The HTMA Test w/ Barbara Madimenos, FDN-P, IINHC
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
In this episode, we're doing something we've never done before on The Health Detective Podcast... We're analzying real lab results!
Our guest today, Barbara Madimenos, is an experienced FDN who has been on the show before to share her story of how she dealt with osteoporosis, anorexia, and missing periods. You can click the link here to listen to that episode now.
We hope you enjoy this different format, and if you'd like us to do it in the future with other types of labs, leave us a comment or shoot us a DM on our IG page, @fdntraining!
About Barbara:
Barbara Madimenos is a functional health coach located in Montreal Quebec with a focus on women's metabolic and endocrine disorders. How she ended up working in this space with this specialty all started when she was just 13 years old and diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. In the midst of her disorder she also developed severe hormonal imbalances such as amenorrhea, hypothyroidism, anxiety, alcohol and drug abuse, as well as self harm coping mechanisms, all in which led her down a hole.
Where to find Barbara:
You can find her on Instagram by going to @barbaramadimenos
Thinking about becoming a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and analyzing labs like Barbara and Detective Ev? Try the course for FREE (no credit card required) by going to fdntraining.com/tryfdn.

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
In this episode, Detective Ev is finshing up his solo episodes for a bit, and we're ending with a bang!
Over the last two years especially, we have had an abundance of healthcare workers joining the FDN program to be able to have more control of their livelihood and help people at a causal level when it comes to their health challenges. As a result, many of these people were/are looking to complete the FDN course as efficiently as possible and immediately start taking clients!
Today, you're going to learn all the things Detective Ev wish he had gotten set up for himself BEFORE graduating the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Certification Course.
All 9 tips are practical and actionable. They are things you can do TODAY to set yourself up for quicker success, instead of fumbling around with them needlessly after you graduate.
We hope you enjoy this episode!
Interested in seeing what FDN has to offer you once you graduate? Head to fdntraining.com/graduate to learn more about our professionals group and how we support you!