We bring you interviews from people who have conquered the trickiest of health challenges using the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Philosophy and similar healing modalities. You’ll hear from experts who have been through the wringer with their health issues, and yet managed to come out on the other side. If you are interested in natural healing and/or functional medicine, this is the podcast for you! Visit www.functionaldiagnosticnutrition.com to learn more about the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition program.

Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023

Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
We’ve saved the best for last in our intro to FDN series - the biz advice!
The reality of health coaching is that some people struggle to get just a few clients, while others develop WAIT-LIST practices. Is this just the result of being lucky (or unlucky)? We know for a fact it’s not that simple. In fact, there are certain key actions that ANYONE can take which will lead them to success in their business. There is even advice that you can apply BEFORE graduating the FDN program that will have you onboarding clients within the first couple weeks of completing the course, and that’s the exact advice we’ll be discussing in this final episode of the series!
1) Listen to episode #1 of the series here: https://www.functionaldiagnosticnutrition.com/what-is-metabolic-chaos-intro-to-fdn-series-w-detective-ev/
2) Listen to episode #2 of the series here: https://www.functionaldiagnosticnutrition.com/what-is-our-trademarked-dress-protocol-intro-to-fdn-series-w-detective-ev/
3) Listen to episode #3 of the series here: https://www.functionaldiagnosticnutrition.com/what-does-testing-for-hidden-stressors-mean-intro-to-fdn-series-w-detective-ev/
4) Listen to episode #4 of the series here: https://www.functionaldiagnosticnutrition.com/what-does-a-day-in-the-life-of-an-fdn-trainee-look-like-intro-to-fdn-series-w-detective-ev/
As always, if you have questions, please reach out to us at @fdntraining on Instagram.
Where to find FDN:
Find all our free resources, workshops, and other channels at fdntraining.com/resources.

Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Register for our first ever LIVE Business Workshop on August 29th by going to fdntraining.com/biz.
This event is for a variety of people! If you are a health coach without an FDN certification and just want to learn some biz stuff, this will work for you. If you are an FDN trainee or graduate, of course, this will also work for YOU!
But wait, there's more! (Sorry, we just love saying that lol.)
In addition to business advice that you can take with you right from the workshop and start applying that same day, we are also offering a littttttle bit of a discount on the FDN course... Even more importantly, we are announcing something new and PERMANENT at FDN, let's just call it a guarantee of sorts. A guarantee that if you choose the FDN program, we will guarantee your success. Tune in to learn more.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
-Jennifer and Ev
Where to find FDN:
Find all our free resources, workshops, and other channels at fdntraining.com/resources.

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
With FDN being a self-paced course, people often wonder what a typical day will look like while they’re pursuing their certification. In this episode, we cover exactly that!
For those a bit more intimidated by self-paced programs, you’ll see that it is not scary at all and that we offer you constant support along the way.
For those that already love the idea of self-paced, it will give you the 30,000 foot overview so you can start planning accordingly.
If you missed the other episodes in our Intro to FDN Series, please make sure to check them out! And, as always, you may ask us any questions by reaching out on Instagram @fdntraining.
Where to find FDN:
Find all our free resources, workshops, and other channels at fdntraining.com/resources.

Thursday Aug 10, 2023
What Does Testing For HIDDEN Stressors Mean? - Intro to FDN Series w/ Detective Ev
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
In this episode, we are continuing our “Intro to FDN” series! Please make sure you’re listening in order so that everything makes sense. Here is the link to the FIRST episode of the series where we discuss the ONLY “diagnosis” FDN practitioners hand out, metabolic chaos: https://spotify.link/Zd5OlSW03Bb
And here is the link to the SECOND episode where we discuss FDN’s trademarked “DRESS” protocol: https://spotify.link/hjeSHPTZ8Bb
Today, we are discussing most people’s favorite part: the labs! Unlike many other functional practitioners, FDNs always start with the same set of labs on every client. You can remember these tests with the acronym HIDDEN, which stands for hormones, immune system, digestion, detoxification, energy production and nervous system. These labs were not chosen randomly or on a whim. They were carefully selected after the founder of FDN, Reed Davis, ran over 11,000 labs on clients in his own practice. After listening, we think it will be crystal clear as to how and why we still use this particular set of labs to this day.
As always, if you have any follow-up questions, reach out to us @fdntraining on Instagram to talk to one of our staff members! Alternatively, you can book a call with Ev or one of the other Course Advisors anytime by going to FDNtraining.com/call.
Where to find FDN:
Find all our free resources, workshops, and other channels at fdntraining.com/resources.

Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
In this episode, we are continuing our “Intro to FDN” series! Please make sure you’re listening in order so that everything makes sense. Here is the link to the first episode of the series where we discuss the ONLY “diagnosis” FDN practitioners hand out, metabolic chaos: https://spotify.link/Zd5OlSW03Bb
Today, we are discussing our trademarked DRESS system that is a core part of every FDN program. DRESS stands for diet, rest, exercise, stress-reduction and supplementation. Without understanding the significance of this acronym, almost NONE of the stuff we teach about labs matters.
As always, if you have any follow-up questions, reach out to us @fdntraining on Instagram to talk to one of our staff members!
Where to find FDN:
Find all our free resources, workshops, and other channels at fdntraining.com/resources.

Thursday Aug 03, 2023
What is ”Metabolic Chaos?” - Intro to FDN Series w/ Detective Ev
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
With a recent HUGE influx of new faces coming and checking out the FDN course, our host for the Health Detective Podcast, Detective Ev, decided it would be a good opportunity to do an "Intro to FDN series." (And don't worry - for the regular listeners, there are a couple of different ways you can benefit from/use these episodes, too).
These episodes are best listened to in order, and this is the first one in the series! Please know that you are more than welcome to ask us any follow-up questions at anytime by messaging us on Instagram @fdntraining, or booking a call with Ev or another Course Enrollment Advisors at www.fdntraining.com/call.
Where to find FDN:
Find all our free resources, workshops, and other channels at fdntraining.com/resources.

Monday Jul 31, 2023
Ulcerative Colitis: The MANY Contributing Factors w/ Tina Haupert, FDN-P
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Does being an FDN practitioner mean every little health symptom you've ever had has to be perfect? Absolutely not. What it DOES mean is that you are someone who will continuously "walk the walk" of being healthy. It means you will never give up trying new things until you get the results you want. It also means you are willing to do whatever you can to help others along their own healing journey. Our guest today, Tina Haupert, is a PERFECT example of all of this!
Tina diagnosed with ulcerative colitis over a decade ago, which was particularly surprising to her since she engaged in many "healthy" lifestyle habits. While she did what she could for the diagnosis at the time, in the back of her head, she also knew that what she had been told was a bit scary, and as a result, it didn't quite get the attention that it deserved.
Fast-forward several years, and the symptoms got bad enough that Tina could no longer pretend it would one day go away on it's own. Worse yet, she started dealing with a myriad of other symptoms, too, ones that are not too dissimilar from many of the ones our other guests have experienced. It was at that point that she knew some MAJOR changes needed to occur.
As of today, Tina has been an FDNP for 4 years and has a thriving practice. She feels significantly better, and has managed to get her UC into remission through a combination of lifestyle changes and medication. It is also worth noting that she is still progressing on her healing journey, so who knows what a couple more years will bring?
If you're someone who has been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, this is DEFINITELY for you. Let us know what you think, and if you have any questions you can reach out to Tina on IG @carrotsncake, or message us directly @fdntraining.
About Tina:
Tina Haupert is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P), certified nutrition coach, cookbook author, podcast host, wife, mom, and the creative mind behind Carrots ‘N’ Cake. Tina and her coaching team work one-on-one with clients, utilizing functional testing and a macro-based nutrition approach to help them enhance their metabolism and diet to achieve their health and body composition goals. Tina was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 12 years ago and is also an active IBD advocate.
Please include any social media/website/product links you'd like us to share:
Website: https://carrotsncake.com/
Programs: https://programs.carrotsncake.com/coaching/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carrotsncake/?hl=en
Where to find FDN:
Find all our free resources, workshops, and other channels at fdntraining.com/resources.

Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Annihilating Addison’s Disease w/ Vennessa McConkey, FDN-P
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
We have a couple of "firsts" today on The Health Detective Podcast...
One of the firsts is that we have never (to Detective Ev's knowledge) had someone on who dealt with Addison's Disease, a relatively rare condition that includes damage to the adrenal glands. The other first is that we have never had a guest be such an amazing story teller that they were able to take the FIRST QUESTION of the podcast and run with it for almost 40 minutes in an incredibly engaging way! These firsts are brought to you by our guest, Vennessa McConkey.
Vennessa is a passionate, energetic, tenacious woman, wife and mom of three young boys. She has always believed in helping people whether it be in the community, schools or corporate world. Her career started early, since both her parents and grandparents were business owners. "Hard work" was highly valued in her family. She attended a science and engineering academy through most of high school, attended Southern Illinois University for Industrial Engineering Technology - graduating in 3 years. She worked her way up the corporate ladder very quickly and found herself running organizations at a young age.
During the course of all this corporate success, she was diagnosed with a rare disease - leaving her relying on many different medical professionals. She finally ended her corporate career and her husband and her became pregnant with their first son. Life seemed good. She started a resume writing and executive career coaching business where the skills she learned in corporate, once again created great success. But two things happened: (1) her health took a nose-dive, and (2) she noticed 85% of her clients struggled with health issues that were affecting how they performed at work. No longer could she morally help people find jobs if their health was affecting more than just them.
In taking a sabbatical, she uncovered some hefty relational issues with her husband and her parents, leading to her discovery of functional nutrition and FDN, that ultimately uncovered how trauma creates disease. Now as a board-certified holistic autoimmune and trauma recovery practitioner, FDN-P, certified functional nutrition coach, speaker and author, Vennessa educates and empowers people to take control of their fatigue and pain during the in-between moments, while confidently owning their journey so they can live a vibrant life.
We hope you enjoy this episode as much as Detective Ev did in recording it. As always, any questions can be directed to us on Instagram @fdntraining.
Where to find Vennessa:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vennessa.morgan
Instagram: https://instagram.com/vennessamcconkey
Where to find FDN:
Find all our free resources, workshops, and other channels at fdntraining.com/resources.

Monday Jul 24, 2023
Special Announcement...
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
FDNtraining.com/dress is the place to go!
Where to find FDN:
Find all our free resources, workshops, and other channels at fdntraining.com/resources.