We bring you interviews from people who have conquered the trickiest of health challenges using the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Philosophy and similar healing modalities. You’ll hear from experts who have been through the wringer with their health issues, and yet managed to come out on the other side. If you are interested in natural healing and/or functional medicine, this is the podcast for you! Visit www.functionaldiagnosticnutrition.com to learn more about the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition program.

Thursday Mar 21, 2024
How Entrepreneurs Can Optimize Using Functional Labs w/ Marja Chow
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
True entrepreneurs have a certain mindset and energy about them that makes them standout from the crowd. It is this same mindset and energy, though, that can lead them to not only eventually burning out, but crashing and burning when they finally do. Our guest today on The Health Detective Podcast, Marja Chow, knows this all too well.
Marja has had the go-getter, entrepreneurial spirit for her entire life, claiming that she "came out of the womb this way." Because of this, she is the FIRST person to encourage you to continue to pursue all your wildest goals and dreams. On the other side of her story, however, her desire to continuously push further led to her experiencing a wide variety of health challenges that became impossible to ignore.
And what does any good entrepreneur do when they have a problem? They fix it, then make a business out of the solution!
In this interview with Marja, you'll hear a VERY relatable story if you're a Type A individual. Unlike most "experts" that try to dim the light that shines so bright in entrepreneurial folks, Marja wants you to continue to honor that side of your personality while also making sure you're not losing your health in the process.
We hope you enjoy this episode, and if you'd like to contact FDN or learn more, please go to fdntraining.com/resources for all your Functional Diagnostic Nutrition needs!
Where to find Marja:
Facebook: Marja Chow
Instagram: @marjachow
Tiktok: @marjachow
LinkedIN: @marjachow
Websites: www.marjachow.com / www.labfitnutrition.com
Where to find all things FDN:

Monday Mar 18, 2024
Reducing Stress For Cardiac Wellness w/ Susi Amendola
Monday Mar 18, 2024
Monday Mar 18, 2024
Seeing this message on March 18th? There is still time to join our 5 in 5 workshop by going to fdntraining.com/5in5March2024. All other FDN resources can be found at fdntraining.com/resources.
Susi Amendola, author of “The Centered Heart: Evidence-Based Mind-Body Practices to Stress Less and Improve Cardiac Health", is an Internationally Certified Yoga Therapist who brings over 40 years of experience utilizing Yoga and lifestyle practices to help others heal.
Presently, Susi is a National Senior Trainer of Stress Management for the prestigious Ornish Lifestyle Medicine program for reversing heart disease. The program includes Yoga as part of a multi-dimensional approach to healing and is covered by Medicare under the guidelines of Intensive Cardiac Rehab. Susi has contributed over 150 articles to Ornish Living Magazine, an online publication to support those who are making lifestyle changes to improve their health and well-being, with an audience of over a million subscribers.
In 1983 she founded Yoga Now in Omaha, Nebraska where she currently teaches classes and directs the annual 200-Hour Yoga Certification program. Susi has developed yoga-based stress management programs for schools, businesses, and hospitals throughout the country.
She is an esteemed guest speaker and presenter at yoga conferences, and many symposiums on health and wellness. Her teaching style is nurturing, practical, and empowering. She resides in Omaha Nebraska where she continues to practice, teach, and share yoga.
Where to find Susi:
Facebook: Yoga Now Page / The Centered Heart Page
Instagram: Susi's Personal / doyoganow
LinkedIn: Susi Amendola
Website: YourCenteredHeart.com / DoYogaNow.com

Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Can SEVERE Acne Be Solved Naturally? w/ Evan Transue, AKA "Detective Ev"
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Interested in joining us for a FULL WEEK of live lab analysis and Q and A's with our Clinical Advisors and Course Mentors? Go to fdntraining.com/5in5March2024 to reserve your spot now! Starts March 18th 2024.
In this episode, Evan Transue, AKA, Detective Ev, is flying solo to share his journey with severe cystic acne. He goes over live lab results showing you exactly what his labs looked like back when he first became an FDN, as well as the other changes he needed to make to truly heal his skin issues once and for all.
If you have any questions for Ev, please shoot him a DM at @buckscountylighttherapy on Instagram.
Didn't find what you needed with the links above? Go to fdntraining.com/resources for EVERYTHING FDN has to offer!

Monday Mar 11, 2024
Monday Mar 11, 2024
Looking to join us for our famous "5 in 5 Workshop"? Go to fdntraining.com/5in5march2024 to save your spot NOW!
While nnEMFs (non-native electromagnetic frequencies) have been a relevant topic in the world of natural medicine for a LONG time, nowadays, they are being discussed more so than ever before. Outside of the fact that we are rapidly increasing our exposure levels to these frequencies, the people who were formerly considered to be wearers of "tinfoil hats" finally have some solid evidence that these non-native frequencies are NOT as benign as we've been told.
In this episode of The Health Detective Podcast, Nicolas Pineault, AKA The EMF Guy, breakdown exactly what he has found after almost a decade of research into the study of nnEMFs and how they impact humans. Nicolas brings a refreshing take on nnEMFs, as he is not someone who comes across as overly paranoid, but yet he has still made significant changes to his lifestyle that he now helps others adopt, too.
We hope you enjoy this episode! All things FDN can be found at www.fdntraining.com/resources.
Where to find Nicolas:
Website: https://theemfguy.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nickpineault/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickpineaultofficial/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/TheEMFGuy

Thursday Mar 07, 2024
RISING Infertility Rates (And What To Do About It) w/ Allie Parsons, FDNP
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Just a few decades ago, infertility clinics were NOT something that came up in everyday discussions. Nowadays, we hear about infertility (and the MANY emotional struggles that go along with it) on a MUCH more regular basis. With better access to "nutrition", and more advanced medical equipment than we once could've dreamed of, it begs a question... "What gives?"
Instagram: @offbeetholisticfdn
Website: www.offbeetholisticfdn.com
Where to find FDN:
Go to fdntraining.com/resources for everything FDN offers!

Monday Mar 04, 2024
FDN's Unique Approach to Labs w/ Lucy McKellar and Detective Ev
Monday Mar 04, 2024
Monday Mar 04, 2024
When FDN's founder, Reed Davis, originally created the FDN methodology, it stood out as a completely unique way of thinking about health. The idea that unlicensed practitioners/coaches could utilize labs was something almost unheard of.
Nowadays, it is MUCH more common to see courses that look similar (keyword is LOOK) to what FDN has been teaching. in fact, a new course teaching functional labs seems to pop up every other month!
With so much noise in the functional medicine space nowadays, one of the most common questions we get is, "How is FDN different than 'xyz' program that also teaches functional labs?"
In this episode of the Health Detective Podcast, we are covering exactly that. Lucy McKellar, FDNP, and Detective Ev are discussing the differences between western medicine, natural medicine, functional medicine, and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. After listening, it will be clear who does what, and you should easily be able to decide which philosophy most resonates with you and what you're wanting to learn in the future.
If you have any questions or need any clarity, please direct message us on one of our social platforms. Everything you'd ever need to know about FDN can be found here: fdntraining.com/resources.
Listen to the founder of FDN, Reed Davis, explain all 5 labs in depth by going here: https://www.functionaldiagnosticnutrition.com/founder-of-fdn-explains-all-5-labs-w-reed-davis-fdn-p-hhp-cnt/

Thursday Feb 29, 2024
This RN Says "Don't Settle For A Diagnosis." w/ Kristy Roderick, RN, FDNP
Thursday Feb 29, 2024
Thursday Feb 29, 2024
If you've listened to The Health Detective Podcast before, you already know that Evan Transue (AKA, Detective Ev), believes you should NEVER settle for the diagnosis you may have been given by western medicine. With that said, it's one thing to hear it from him, but it's a much different experience to hear it straight from the mouth of an actual registered nurse who went through her own set of health challenges.
Our guest today, Kristy Roderick, was on the show before with her three best nurse friends and biz partners. This time, she's joining us solo to share her personal journey dealing with mystery symptoms, incorrect diagnoses, and undergoing the stressful journey of challenging everything she was taught by conventional medicine in order to save her health.
This is one you'll definitely want to check out, or even send to your loved ones in the western medicine space. Kristy has an excellent and objective way of discussing both the pros and cons of western and functional medicine.
As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to us @fdntraining on Instagram.
Where to find Kristy:
Facebook: Revive Functional Wellness
Instagram: @revivefunctionalwellness
Website: https://revivefunctionalwellnesssc.com/
Where to find FDN!
Find all our free resources, workshops, and other channels at fdntraining.com/resources.

Monday Feb 26, 2024
Wired But Tired: How To Finally Beat Insomnia w/ Annika Carroll, FDNP
Monday Feb 26, 2024
Monday Feb 26, 2024
Considering sleep is one of THE MOST important things us humans need to do on a daily basis, one would think this is something that should come fairly easily. However, as all of us know too well, we are seeing rates of insomnia and sleep issues skyrocket in today's modern world. Now, instead of our natural rhythms guiding us gently to sleep at night, we find ourselves "wired and tired", constantly struggling to get and stay asleep.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sleeplikeaboss
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_annikacarroll/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@sleeplikeaboss
Website: www.sleeplikeaboss.com or https://www.sleepmasterymethod.com
Where to find FDN!
Find all our free resources, workshops, and other channels at fdntraining.com/resources.

Thursday Feb 22, 2024
All About Heart Health w/ Dr. Lori Rose, PhD
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
If you've been around Functional Diagnostic Nutrition for some time, you may have seen that we have quite a few advanced courses on a variety of topics. These courses are not required to be an FDN graduate, and are even open to the public!
In this episode, Detective Ev and Dr. Lori Rose are talking not only about our Advanced Heart Wellness course, but they get a bit nerdy on different biomarkers that can be used to assess the overall health of the cardiovascular system.
We hope you enjoy this episode, and if you have any questions, please reach out to us @fdntraining on Instagram.
Where to find FDN!
Find all our free resources, workshops, and other channels at fdntraining.com/resources.

Monday Feb 19, 2024
Your Body Knows BEST - Learning To Listen w/ Wendy Handy, FDNP
Monday Feb 19, 2024
Monday Feb 19, 2024
In this episode of The Health Detective Podcast, Wendy Handy, a go-getter entrepreneur turned FDN (Functional Diagnostic Nutrition) practitioner, shares how the Type-A individuals of the world can learn to slow down and recognize symptoms arising in their body BEFORE they get a diagnosis. Despite facing occasional hiccups due to her unstoppable drive, Wendy maintains a strong belief system, epitomizing the mantra 'you are not stuck with your diagnosis.' She also touches on the importance of not ignoring your body signals. Emphasizing self-care, setting better priorities, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle, Wendy shares her experience dealing with chronic issues like ulcerative colitis and her approach to prevent illness, like Alzheimer's, in her husband.
We hope you enjoy this episode, and as always, if you have questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to us @fdntraining on Instagram.
Where to find Wendy:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wendy.handyfunctionalmedicinecoach
Instagram: @coachwendyhandy
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wendy-handy-867632b/
Website: http://www.wendyhandy.com
Where to find FDN!
Find all our free resources, workshops, and other channels at fdntraining.com/resources.